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Rebuke yourself with the Legal Defense Insurance!

As insurance brokers, we have seen many cases where the insured has not defended his rights because of the high cost of a lawsuit, although the probability of winning it was quite high.

The same has happened to you too:

Has your insurance company declined a claim for causes that you do not share?

Have you not obtained the correct compensation for injuries sustained in an accident?

Has your car insurance company assessed the damage to your vehicle only at the market value, even if you preferred its repair?

When a loss occurs, you may be involved in conflicts with third parties or with the insurance company with which you have contracted your insurance. These claims are more common than you would expect. When these cases occur you need the help:

Of a broker - your insurance expert advisor

Of a lawyer

Finding best trucking insurance companies and hiring coverage with our services, you have guaranteed expert advice. For more than 35 years we have helped solve thousands of claims in a favorable way for our customers. We know that a claim is a true proof that the insurance is well made. During these years we have discovered many extrajudicial ways that are efficient and effective to defend your interests and, if they can help you, we do not hesitate for a minute to use them. But sometimes the losses can be complicated and your rights can be greatly harmed. Although according to common sense, you can be right, it is necessary to resolve the conflict through the judicial process. And bringing a case to court always means a high extra cost.

Is Legal Defense Insurance Worth It?

Thanks to Specialized Legal Defense Insurance, many of our clients have had the confidence and security necessary to claim their rights before a court. We recommend it to individuals for their private life, but especially to the self-employed and small/medium-sized companies that do not have an attorney as a fixed part of their staff. But judgments are not the only advantage of Legal Defense Insurance; In many cases, it is not the most important. Let's look at some of them:

Appointment of party expert when there is disagreement with the company itself or with the contrary.

It covers all the expenses of Notary, Attorney, Expert and any other professional needed to defend the interests of the client.

Assistance in the handling of claims in a friendly way. Your experience may be important in some difficult cases.

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